Ask MotionGrey: I get tired easily when standing while working. How do I sustain the shift to a sit-stand lifestyle?

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Looking to get into a sit-stand lifestyle but find standing too tiring or tough for you? Don’t give up just yet! You can still get into the habit, slowly but surely. In this article, we’ll share some tips to help you stand with ease and comfort so you can develop the habit of sitting, standing, and moving more while you work.

sit stand

Stand with Ease While Working: Here’s How!

Check which of these tips work for you best. And remember—it’s supposed to be fun!

Start small according to your comfort level

Don’t expect yourself to stand for hours without sitting down upon first try. The first step to achieving success in this journey is to respect your body and listen to it. When it tells you it’s time to sit down, even if you’ve only been standing for a few minutes, then do so.

stand at work

Over time, as you consistently alternate between sitting and standing, you will notice that your body will already be able to handle standing for a longer period. What’s important is for you to see progress, no matter how small, as you consistently perform the habit.

Wear comfortable shoes

Comfort is key to keeping a sustainable habit. If it gets too hard and painful in the beginning, it will be difficult to stay motivated and continue. Therefore, find ways to make this easy.


One of the simplest steps you can take is to wear comfy shoes. If you’re used to high heels when working, temporarily trade them off for flat and comfortable shoes while you are in the transition. You can still wear heels while seated or when going to and from work, but skip them in the meantime to prioritize comfort.

Use an anti-fatigue mat

Apart from the two tips we mentioned, another option would be to use devices that can help you ease the strain brought by standing. Try an anti-fatigue mat. It’s built for you to stand on, providing cushion to your feet against the hard concrete flooring, which can bring pressure to your feet and legs and cause pain.


This mat can come plain and flat, or it can have ridges and knobs that can massage the soles of your feet—extra comfy!

Use a perch chair

You can think of a perch chair as a stool or a semi-chair. It is a chair, but it is not designed for full sitting—it is designed for “perching”. This means leaning on the chair for support while you are standing but without fully sitting on it.

perch chair

A perch chair can give your legs some relief from standing, as you can transfer your weight to the stool for some comfort.


One secret to making the shift from sitting to standing easy is to strengthen your legs and your entire body through stretching and exercise. One way to do this is to do sit-stand exercises, to stretch before you start your work day, and to do general exercises regularly, especially those designed for strengthening the leg muscles.


With regular exercise, it won’t be long before standing starts to feel like any natural activity and you’ll be able to do it with ease.

So, are you ready to sit less, stand more, and enjoy a healthier lifestyle? Make this easy with the tips we mentioned above. Good luck!

About Us

MotionGrey is a Canadian standing desk company that specializes in ergonomic furniture. We supply and install only the best quality standing desks and ergonomic chairs in the country.

Our products are designed with wellness as the focal point. From our electric standing desks to our office and gaming chairs, we deliver best value by putting your health, safety, and comfort as top priority. Boost your creativity and level up work performance. We want you to create great outcomes so we’re providing you only the best tools to make them possible.
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