Desk Treadmill: Addressing Common Myths and Misconceptions

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If you’ve been thinking about making your workspace more ergonomic, allowing you to stay healthy despite the sedentary nature of your work, you may have looked into several ergonomic furniture options for your space. Some of the top options available are a standing desk and a desk treadmill. Both are helpful in getting you to move more.

You might be asking—a desk treadmill in an office? Trust us, we understand. You’ve probably never pictured working and exercising simultaneously to be possible. Or worse, you may have heard certain myths about the treadmill desk that may have turned you off from even considering the use of it. Well, no worries—we’re here to help look into those myths and tell you the truth about the desk treadmill.

woman working

Let’s dive into its benefits and see how you can enjoy and maximize the said benefits.

Truths and Lies: Busting the Common Desk Treadmill Myths and Misconceptions

Desk treadmills and standing desks have been slowly making their way into more and more offices, and for good reason. They appear to be the some of the top solutions for people who want to break free from their sedentary lifestyle. But being new innovations in the office furniture industry, it’s only normal for some people to ask questions and have some doubts about the effectiveness of these ergonomic wonders. There have been myths and misconceptions about desk treadmills, which keep individuals from deciding to finally invest in them.

Let’s take a look at some of the common myths people have about the desk treadmill and check the truth about them.

Myth #1: A desk treadmill can disrupt the flow of the work that you are doing.

The Truth: Of the many myths there are about the desk treadmill, this is perhaps the most common. Yes, it is true that you may find the treadmill desk disruptive in the beginning, as would be the case if you start and introduce something new in your workplace and schedule. However, this is but only a part of the adjustment stage, and it won’t last long. You can expect that after a while, if you remain consistent in the regular use of a desk treadmill while working, you will be able to establish a sit-walk routine that works for you best.

Many people who started using a desk treadmill soon found that they can concentrate just as well when they walk while working, depending on the type of activity they are doing. The key is to start slow, a few minutes at a time, and then gradually increase your walking speed and time according to your comfort level. Over time, you may become more efficient and productive.

Myth #2: The use of a desk treadmill can cause health problems like joint issues or back pain.

The Truth: Myths about the health problems caused by desk treadmills abound, and this is one of the leading ones. People who experience back pain or joint issues when using a desk treadmill are likely doing it wrong—either in the set-up of the treadmill or in the way you are using it. When you start alternating between sitting, standing, and walking at work, expect some discomfort in the beginning. However, when you start to build the habit, do it right and consistently, you can expect health benefits without any pain. So how do you do it right? Check out the following:

  • Make sure that you set up your desk treadmill and desk properly. The desk must be adjusted to the correct height and placed just close enough to the desk so that you won’t have to strain your body just to get access to your work equipment on the desk.
  • Maintain proper posture. Straighten your back while walking or standing—do not hunch over the desk to avoid back stiffness.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. If you’re typically in heels when at work, you may need to get alternative shoes for when you are working on a desk treadmill. Go for shoes that can offer enough support for your feet.
  • Do not overdo the walking. You wouldn’t want to break the habit of too much sitting with too much walking—this can be harmful to your health, too. Always alternate. Find the right sitting and walking ratio, and take regular breaks as needed.

Myths about the negative effects of the treadmill on the body are just that—myths. Most of the negative effects are actually linked to incorrect use or setup of the treadmill.

man on treadmill

Myth #3: A desk treadmill can only be used for walking.

The Truth: It is true that desk treadmills are primarily designed for walking, but you can actually do more. Like regular treadmills, a desk treadmill allows speed adjustment, and this can help you switch between different treadmill activities, from walking to slow jogging or even running.

You can start with walking while you do some work tasks. And then, you can adjust the speed to go for a slow jog in place. This will give you an opportunity to vary your physical activity throughout the day and help you reap the most health benefits.

Myth #4: A desk treadmill is only for people in excellent physical shape.

The Truth: Myths like this can easily discourage individuals from trying desk treadmills in the first place, but the truth is that they can actually benefit people of all fitness levels. In fact, if you are in less than excellent shape, a treadmill desk can help you build a certain level of stamina and energy as you consistently use it.

If you feel you are not up for heavy physical activity at the moment, you can start walking on a desk treadmill at a slow pace and gradually increase your activity level as your fitness improves. Over time, as you break free from your sedentary lifestyle, you will also gain more benefits in terms of developing more muscle strength and improving your physical strength and health as you regularly walk on the treadmill.

Myth #5: A desk treadmill can be noisy to operate.

The Truth: In relation to the first myth mentioned in this post on the disruption caused by a desk treadmill, you may be worried that the noise the treadmill creates while in operation can be too much and can disrupt you from the work you need to do. However, the truth is that a desk treadmill creates no more than your average office noise.

Modern desk treadmills are specifically designed to operate quietly and minimize disruptions in the workplace. Noise levels vary between models, but they usually range between 42 and 57 decibels, a level that is negligible in any office with all the regular noise of day-to-day office operation. You can also check the different model options available to find one with the lowest noise level.

ergonomic office

Myth #6: You need a specialized desk to use with the desk treadmill.

The Truth: Actually, you don't. Sure, it is true that the best desk you can pair a treadmill with is a specialized standing desk, but this doesn’t mean a regular desk will not work with a treadmill. Today you will find many different treadmill models, and many of them are designed to work with existing desks and can be easily integrated into your workspace. You don't necessarily need a specialized desk for a desk treadmill setup.

Myth #7: The desk treadmill will crowd your space.

The Truth: You can find a treadmill desk in different designs, so myths about the size of this furniture are not necessarily true—especially those that say they will cramp your space.

Some treadmills are built right into the desk, so you will need a separate desk and chair for sitting space. These are perfect for those with bigger office space. Other treadmills are designed for pairing with a desk and can be placed in front of one side of a desk, while the other side is free for your office chair. These types of desk treadmill are also available in a smaller variety—those called walking pads. They are much smaller, but they offer the same benefits offered by regular desk treadmills.

Myth #8: Desk treadmills are expensive.

The Truth: This is perhaps one of the biggest myths that turn people off from investing in a treadmill desk, thinking that it will cost them a fortune to do so. Sure, there are some high-end desk treadmill models that can be expensive, but there are also more affordable options available in the market. The price range varies, ranging between $300 and $2,500, and there are options to fit different budgets.

So, the good news is, myths saying desk treadmills will put a hole in your pocket aren’t true. You can actually enjoy the many benefits of a treadmill desk without spending too much. You just need to find the right one with the features you need and offered at a price you can afford.

To know more about desk treadmill myths and their actual benefits, check out the linked articles here.

woman on treadmill

Being familiar with these myths will help you better understand the truth about the benefits of the treadmill desk. Remember that while its use will require some adjustment, it can give you real benefits in the long run.

However, to ensure that you get the most of these benefits, remember to research your options, try out your chosen treadmill as much as possible, and consider your personal comfort and work requirements. Before you believe any myths, do your personal research. If needed, you may also consult a healthcare professional or ergonomics specialist to ensure that using a desk treadmill is a safe and beneficial choice for you.

About Us

MotionGrey is a Canadian standing desk company that specializes in ergonomic furniture. We supply and install only the best quality standing desks and ergonomic chairs in the country. We offer free shipping within Canada and the US.

What made you switch to standing desks? Our products are designed with wellness as the focal point. From our electric standing desks to our office and gaming chairs, we deliver best value by putting your health, safety, and comfort as top priority. Boost your creativity and level up work performance. We want you to create great outcomes so we’re providing you only the best tools to make them possible.

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