Maximizing the Benefits of Your Walking Pad

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Are you active in Tiktok, passionate about your health, and aiming to live an active lifestyle? If you are, you have probably seen the popularity growth of the walking pad this year 2023, brought mainly by Tiktok influencers who tried it and shared its health benefits to many of their followers. Even more so, you may have started to consider getting one for yourself. Well, before you do, let’s take a closer look at this new and simple health wonder called the walking pad.

walking pad

So, what is a walking pad?

Well, this pad is simply a treadmill—a smaller, handier, more compact version that is designed for use at work or at home. It works the same way as the treadmill does, with a few differences in features but the same desired outcome, which is to help individuals reap the health benefits of walking more and live a more active lifestyle.

Now you may ask: if the walking pad and the treadmill are the same, why choose the former? Why not stick to the regular treadmill? The answer is that there are certain walking pad benefits that you will not find in a regular treadmill.

A more compact and more portable health solution

Treadmills are preferred for their stable and steady built, their durability, and the features they have that make them effective at encouraging people to walk, run, and move more. They are ideal for gyms and home gyms.

However, these same characteristics and designs create limitations in terms of the setting in which they can be used. And, it is these limitations that walking pads aim to bridge. A walking pad is lighter and smaller compared to a treadmill, so it’s ideal for use even in smaller spaces. Apart from being compact and portable, it can also be folded. That means you can store it easily or even carry it with you as needed.

Both the treadmill and the walking pad offer the same health benefits. Both can help you live a more active lifestyle. But if space is keeping you from enjoying the many benefits of a treadmill, then a walking pad is an excellent alternative.

walking pad storage

Creating a healthier workplace

The compact and portable size of the walking pad makes it ideal for use in the office, and this is exactly the feature that has given it the popularity that it now enjoys. Many individuals today have a hard time living a more active lifestyle because their computer-based work limits their ability to move more. Well, now that the walking pad has been introduced, that limitation is gone.

The compact size of this innovative pad makes it ideal for pairing with a standing desk, allowing users to move, walk, or jog lightly in place even as they do their daily work. This makes living an active lifestyle in the office or at home so much easier.

How do you maximize the health benefits of a walking pad?

A walking pad is only but a small device, but it has varied health benefits comparable to those offered by a regular treadmill—or maybe even more, given that in can be used in more settings compared to a treadmill. So how do you make the most of these health benefits and live a more active lifestyle? Take a look at some pointers below:

Use the walking pad while doing office work

Talk about multitasking, which is exactly what this pad is designed for. When you pair it with the right desk set at the correct height, it is easy to walk in place while you are checking or answering emails, typing simple notes, attending a virtual meeting in your laptop, or doing practically any task that does not require a whole lot of concentration and heavy mental work.

By doing this, you are breaking free from being confined to your chair for a whole day and giving yourself the opportunity to move more while working. This has been proven to offer a wide range of health benefits, including improved focus, increased productivity, better mood, and the many physical health benefits offered by more movement.

Take advantage of different exercise variations

Depending on the walking pad you have, it may have settings for different speeds. And, one way to amp up your exercise and keep your heartbeat up is to switch between walking and running speeds.

Perhaps walk while you are working. When you are on a break, try a light jog to keep that energy high. And if you want a full run, you can just adjust the speed so you can get a more intense workout.

Living a more active lifestyle entails finding small ways to move, and the more variety you have, the better. This will help you maximize the use of the walking pad while making the experience more enjoyable.


Make your entertainment more physically active

Do you love watching television at home after a long and stressful day? Do you play a lot of video games on your free time? Or perhaps browse the internet and social media to catch up with your friends? Good news—you can actually pair these activities with a light walk on a walking pad!

Instead of being slumped or slouched on your seat while you watch your favorite TV show on Netflix, or while you share the latest gossip with your friends on Facebook, or play some RPG game on your computer, why not get up, get on the walking pad, set it to the right speed setting that works for your specific activity, and walk?

By doing this, you do not only enjoy entertainment but also reap the health benefits of living a more active lifestyle.

Walk while doing other light exercises

Got a pair of dumbbells and weights? You can level up your walk and enjoy even more health benefits by doing light arm exercises on your walking pad. This will help you break up a sweat, which is helpful for destressing especially after a long day at work before you head home.

And, even if you do not have any exercise equipment, you can simply do small stretches while walking, from arm stretches to back and shoulder stretches.

There are also certain features that can help you give more energy to your workout. Check out the features that your walking pad has and see how you can maximize these features. Watch out for our next post to learn all about these.

Beyond the walking pad: More active lifestyle tips that you can follow

Want to live a more holistically healthy life? That is possible! Enjoying the health benefits of the walking pad is one way to do it. Another way is to find other opportunities to move throughout your day, whether you are working in your office or at home. Consider the following to live a more active lifestyle:


Imagine the way you spend your lunchtime. Do you stay on your seat browsing the internet while eating your food? Consider a healthier alternative—take your meal with you, get up from your seat, and go out for a walk. Find a park where you can eat your lunch and stay out in the sunshine. Or, catch up with friends face to face instead of over the internet. The health benefits will definitely go beyond physical—in the form of a happier mood, a clearer mind ready for the afternoon’s tasks, and a higher energy to beat the afternoon blues.

Check your typical form of mobility. Do you often drive even down to the café in the next block? Why not walk instead? Or, if the distance you need to cover is a bit far, consider using a bicycle. These will help you get to your destination while giving you exercise and workout.

Always opt for the stairs. This is especially advisable if your destination is only a floor away. Ditch the long wait in the elevator and cover that distance via the stairs. This is not only a healthy alternative but also an eco-friendly way to move around in your office.

Want to reap the health benefits of an active lifestyle? It’s possible! Start with a walking pad, and then find small windows in your day to insert some form of small physical activity. We hope this guide will be helpful to help you live a more mobile, healthier lifestyle in the workplace.

About Us

MotionGrey is a Canadian standing desk company that specializes in ergonomic furniture. We supply and install only the best quality standing desks and ergonomic chairs in the country. We offer free shipping within Canada and the US.

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