Standing Desk vs. Standing Desk Converter: Which One is Right for You?

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Want the shift to a sit-stand lifestyle but not sure whether you’re ready? We’re glad to share that there are options available for you! Check out the standing desk and the standing desk converter!

The sit-stand revolution has been continuously growing, and an increased number of offices and workspaces are turning more ergonomic as more and more individuals search for a better, healthier lifestyle at work.

Some individuals jump right into this lifestyle with confidence and willpower, while others take their time to test the waters and see whether the shift will work for them. Whichever category you belong in, there is a great solution for you—the standing desk and the standing desk converter.

standing desk converter

The Difference Between a Standing Desk and a Standing Desk Converter

A standing desk is just like any of your regular fixed desks, except that it has the capability for height adjustment. You can set it to a regular sitting height and a standing height with just a single press of a button, allowing you to alternate between sitting and standing as you work.

A standing desk converter, on the other hand, is a riser that you can place on your fixed desk to add height to it and convert it into a standing desk. If you have an old desk, you can place the converter on top of the desk on one side (the standing side) while the other side remains free for when you want to work seated (the sitting side).

The Benefits of the Standing Desk and the Standing Desk Converter—and How to Know Which One is for You

If you’re considering giving the sit-stand lifestyle a try but not sure which ergonomic solution is right for you, a standing desk or a standing desk converter, we hope this quick guide can help make the decision-making easier.

Space and Storage

One of the most important considerations when choosing between the two options is the available space that you have. Compared to a fixed desk, a standing desk usually has a minimalist style and is not too bulky. However, if you cannot let go of your existing desk because of factors such as the storage (something a standing desk doesn’t usually come with), then a standing desk converter is a good option—you have a means to stand without having to let go of your existing desk.

Mobility and Stability

Want something that will allow you to move more easily from one area of the room to another while still being able to work standing? A standing desk converter will be so much easier to move around because of its compact space. However, it’s not as stable and as sturdy as a standing desk. If you are looking for a desk that will remain steady in various working conditions, then a standing desk is a better choice.

Readiness for the Lifestyle

A standing desk converter is a great choice for individuals who are transitioning to the sit-stand lifestyle. However, once you have fully committed to this lifestyle and want it to become a regular, solid part of your schedule, a standing desk will be a much better option.

standing desk with cat on it

Given all the considerations above, we hope you’re now ready to take your pick between a standing desk and a standing desk converter. Check our catalog for options!

About Us

MotionGrey is a Canadian standing desk company that specializes in ergonomic furniture. We supply and install only the best quality standing desks and ergonomic chairs in the country. We offer free shipping within Canada and the US.

What made you switch to standing desks? Our products are designed with wellness as the focal point. From our electric standing desks to our office and gaming chairs, we deliver best value by putting your health, safety, and comfort as top priority. Boost your creativity and level up work performance. We want you to create great outcomes so we’re providing you only the best tools to make them possible.

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