Walking Pad vs Treadmill: Which One is Right for You?

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With the growing popularity of the walking pad, a lot of people are now asking—is it a better replacement for a treadmill? If you are here with that question in mind, then you have come to the right place. In this post, we’ll check the factors surrounding the walking pad vs treadmill debate and see which one is better and which is right for you.

But first things first, why the popularity of these exercise machines?

a man walking

Well, the answer is in walking.

Did you know that walking, especially when done at a faster pace, can reduce the risk of death between 20% to 24%? Walking is one of the best natural exercises we can do as human beings. For one, it is already a part of our daily routine. Plus, it is a form of exercise that is so simple it does not require any gym equipment or exercise gear—all you need is yourself doing what you are designed to do!

Unfortunately, with the busy schedule of individuals today, many of us have little time left for exercise—yes, even for walking. Our rushed days compel us to take the fastest and most convenient means of travel from point A to point B, and that means cars and other forms of transportation. If we are to stay intentional in living a healthy lifestyle, walking is one activity we need to bring back to our lives. And in the absence of time, the walking pad and treadmill offer a positive alternative.

What is a walking pad?

You can consider a walking pad as a smaller, simpler version of a treadmill. While the latter is usually found in gyms, the walking pad is typically found in offices and homes. Their compact design and size make them a perfect addition to smaller spaces.

Walking pad vs treadmill in terms of use: While treadmills are designed to be used as part of a regular gym or exercise routine, the walking pad is built to be used while you are doing your regular activities at home and especially at work.

How so, you may ask. Well, some walking pads are stand-alone pads that are slim and small, perfect for placement in front of or underneath your desk. They are designed so that you can stand and walk on them while you are working in front of your computer—while writing or replying to emails, while reading reports, or maybe going on a call or a virtual meeting. You can set the walking pad to the correct speed so that you can walk and still do your work simultaneously.

The walking pad is also called a running pad, because you can adjust its speed to make it faster so that you can run on it, increasing the intensity of your exercise. You will also find a standing desk walking pad, one that is already integrated and built on a desk. These varying designs allow you to customize your experience with a walking pad.

woman using a walking pad

So, walking pad vs treadmill—which one should you get?

There are benefits to a walking pad, and there are also benefits to a treadmill. If you are in the market looking for one, the first thing to ask yourself is—what is your goal and purpose? Once you have identified that, check out the following to see which one is best for you:

Advantages of the walking pad


Walking pads are generally more portable and compact compared to treadmills. They are designed to be lightweight and foldable, making them easier to store in smaller spaces. Whether you are installing the pad in your home or office, you won’t have any problem with the standing desk walking pad taking up so much space because of its small size.


The walking pad is ideal for walking and light jogging rather than intense running. If you primarily need a machine for walking indoors, especially one that can help you stay active even as you are working, then a walking pad will be a sufficient option.


Walking pads tend to be quieter than traditional treadmills, which can be a significant advantage if noise is a concern, especially in shared living spaces. This is especially helpful if you are using the pad in an office and while you, and everyone else around you, are working. You can be sure the pad will not disrupt and disturb the entire office and you can all focus on your work while you are walking and exercising.

man and woman using a treadmill

Advantages of a treadmill


Treadmills offer more versatility in terms of speed, incline settings, and workout programs. They are suitable for walking, jogging, running, and interval training. The treadmill is not only bigger but also offers more features, allowing you to customize your walk or run and to build up on your exercise over time.


Treadmills are larger and heavier than walking pads, requiring more floor space and potentially being less portable. If you have a limited space, you might need to do some changes on your floor layout and room arrangement to accommodate the treadmill. However, some treadmill models can fold up for easier storage, so these are available alternatives for you, too.


Treadmills generally provide better cushioning and shock absorption, which can reduce the impact on joints compared to walking pads. This is important especially for people who may have some joint problems and need the protection offered by extra shock absorption.

Given all the details provided above when it comes to walking pad vs treadmill advantages, we hope that you now have an idea on which one you should get for your daily exercise needs.

If you feel a walking pad, running pad, or standing desk walking pad is the right one for you, head over to our catalog for a good-quality option that is wallet friendly, easy to use, and designed to match different environments and lifestyles. Find the right exercise partner and start living a healthier, more active life.

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MotionGrey is a Canadian standing desk company that specializes in ergonomic furniture. We supply and install only the best quality standing desks and ergonomic chairs in the country. We offer free shipping within Canada and the US.

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