4 Things You Can Do to Optimize Your Workplace This Summer
Ah, summer. One of the most awaited seasons of the year.
Most people make plans for summer with their family and friends, taking advantage of the warm weather to stay outside and finally get on with activities they couldn’t have done in the colder months.
In the workplace, summer is also the best time for managers and business owners to get some things done and to maximize the season in order to create a better working environment and an increase in employee happiness at work.

What You Can Do This Summer to Keep the Workplace a Great Place for Your Employees
So how can you maximize the summer season to improve your workplace and your workforce? Check out some ideas below:
Keep the cool in the workplace
The most important of all is to ensure all employees are in top shape physically and mentally, and the weather greatly affect that. According to research, there is a set range of temperature when employees are most productive—20 to 24 degrees Celsius. Keeping the temperature within this range will make both you and your employees happy.

This does not necessarily mean having your AC on high and dealing with high energy bills during the summer. To help keep your energy consumption low, ensure that the AC filters are clean and that you keep the blinds closed during certain parts of the day to keep the cool inside. Additionally, water stations must be kept filled for all your employees’ hydration needs.
Consider an agile working option
Many people are looking forward to spending more time outdoors and traveling with friends and family during summer. This can mean time off and zero work done. And if most of your employees have travel plans, this could affect the productivity of your workforce.

Why not consider offering an option for agile working? This means being able to work anywhere and even outside of the set working hours as needed. Most employees would appreciate this kind of working set-up, and your business would get the hours it needs to remain operational and productive. The important thing when setting an agile working set up is to establish clear rules. This is a win-win setup for both employees and employers.
Have a teambuilding
Summer is the best time for holding group activities outdoors—a great opportunity to strengthen relationships at work and for employees to get to know each other better outside of a work set-up. A teambuilding is also a great avenue for friendships to blossom, and this is beneficial to the workplace.

Studies show that office friendships is a key reason employees stay with an organization, and a teambuilding is a perfect avenue for people to discover everything they have in common with colleagues.
Revamp the workplace
Summer is also the perfect opportunity to make all the renovations you’ve been putting off for a while. It’s the best time to air out the office and take off and clean your carpeting, deal with any major repairs that need to be done.

Any projects you’ve been planning to do can be done during this season. It’s the best time to convert your office into an ergonomic space, add adjustable desks and introduce ergonomic accessories. It’s also the perfect time to convert it into an eco-friendly space by perhaps doing recycling projects, introducing new green practices at work, or simply adding plants to brighten up the space.
Summer offers a lot of possibilities for enhancement in the workplace. Use this season to create a much better, much conducive space for work, creativity, and healthy lifestyle. Happy summer!
About Us
MotionGrey is a Canadian standing desk company that specializes in ergonomic furniture. We supply and install only the best quality standing desks and ergonomic chairs in the country.
Our products are designed with wellness as the focal point. From our electric standing desks to our office and gaming chairs, we deliver best value by putting your health, safety, and comfort as top priority. Boost your creativity and level up work performance. We want you to create great outcomes so we’re providing you only the best tools to make them possible.
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