Progressive Standing Desk: Is It for You?

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Continuing in our series of standing desk reviews, we will look into another popular ergonomic standing desk in Canada in this blog post—the Progressive standing desk. Standing desks come in different types and designs, and they carry different features that may appeal more for some but not for others. Individuals who are looking for a standing desk for their workspace may have specific preferences when it comes to standing desk features. This is the reason we want to take a closer look at the features of the Progressive standing desk, to help you understand if it’s for you or not.

progressive standing desk

Let’s take a closer look at the Progressive standing desk.

The Progressive Desk is a brand that has been here for a while, having been founded in 2008, and the brand offers Progressive standing desks and desk converters, frames and table tops, ergonomic office chairs, as well as ergonomic accessories.

The Progressive standing desk comes in different varieties. For this standing desk review, we are taking a look at the mid-range Progressive standing desk model, the Solo Ryzer standing desk. Here are some of the basics:

  • It comes with a dual motor and has a decent load-carrying capacity
  • Its frame is built with 3 columns, which enables it to have a wide height range for its users
  • It comes in three different table top colors: white, black, and gray

All these said, do you think the Progressive standing desk is for you? Let’s find out.

Choose the Progressive standing desk if:

  • You are looking for a desk with a wide array of technological safety features.

The Progressive standing desk comes with several features that users would love, including a collision detection feature to protect against potential accidents, a child lock feature to prevent the accidental adjustment of the standing desk height, and energy saving mode to keep the desk from consuming more than it should. All of these guarantee additional safety as you operate the desk.

  • You value a long warranty coverage.

The Progressive standing desk features one of the longer coverages among many standing desks in the market today. Offered with 15 years of warranty, it offers the assurance that any premature breakdown or damage is covered.

Don’t choose the Progressive standing desk if:

  • You have a lot of equipment and work materials you need to place on the desk

Although the Progressive standing desk offers a decent load carrying capacity, able to handle and carry up to 270 lbs of load, users who have a lot of equipment they need the desk to handle (i.e. multiple monitors, a printer, maybe a file organizer, etc.) may wish to get an electric standing desk with higher weight carrying capacity such as those that can carry over 300 lbs of weight.

  • You want a more budget friendly option with comparable specs.

The Progressive standing desk comes at a higher price compared to similar standing desks in the market. It is offered at $600-$700 USD. For the same set of specs, you can find a standing desk at about $500, which may be a better option for those who are on a budget.

motiongrey motion series standing desk

Given all these information, we advise that you further check the features of the Progressive standing desk to see whether they are a good fit to your needs. You may also wish to look for other options available before making the final decision.

About Us

MotionGrey is a Canadian standing desk company that specializes in ergonomic furniture. We supply and install only the best quality standing desks and ergonomic chairs in the country. We offer free shipping within Canada and the US.

What made you switch to standing desks? Our products are designed with wellness as the focal point. From our electric standing desks to our office and gaming chairs, we deliver best value by putting your health, safety, and comfort as top priority. Boost your creativity and level up work performance. We want you to create great outcomes so we’re providing you only the best tools to make them possible.

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